Thursday 22 April 2010

Analysis: The Last House On The Left 2009

The running time for the trailer of ‘The last house on the left’ is 2:30

The genre of this film is Horror / Thriller.

The sounds used play a large part in this trailer. This is because there are a lot of sounds being used throughout the trailer i.e. a pulsing beat which seems to be speeding up to a climax and a slow song towards the end of the sequence. These both coincide in creating a lot of suspense and drama for the viewer.

Lighting, colour and setting are the main pieces of Mise en scene portrayed in this trailer, these three play a big part each, as the setting is in some woods and the low lighting and dim colours culminate in creating a sense of atmosphere for each scene.

The edits used in this trailer make a vast impact to the viewer’s thoughts of the trailer. This is because there are cut scenes at points where you are getting into the story line and that leaves the viewers wanting more.

There are small cut scenes of text towards the end of the trailer leaving the audience to think about what they just saw and creating thoughts in there mind of what's to come.

Here is the trailer i viewed for my research.
The Last House On The Left 2009

Analysis: 28 Days Later 2002

The running time for the trailer for ‘28 days later’ is 1:29.

The genre for this film is Horror / Thriller.

The text used describes the film not as a story yet as the scene changes, cut scenes are involved in helping the text describe what is portrayed in each small scene by the use of a variety of short quotes.

The sounds used create a dramatic effect due to there being no sound in many parts of the trailer creating a sense of ambience within the minds of the viewer. When the text is shown cut scenes are used and in these cut scenes there are loud, sharp sounds which grip the viewers attention to the screen.

Mise en scene is used to create ambience due to the setting being somewhere known to be busy yet in the trailer it is not. The lighting seems to be quite bright due to most of the scenes being shot in daytime and also there is a variety of both dark and light colours creating mystery within the trailer.

Here is the trailer i viewed for my research.
28 DAYS LATER 2002

Analysis: Shrooms 2007

The running time for the trailer of ‘Shrooms’ is 1:56.

The genre of this film is Horror / Thriller.

Mise en scene is a strong component of making this trailer so appealing and thrilling, I feel this because the setting is in some dark woods and dark colours and low lighting create a sense of the unknown.

Sound is portrayed through the voices of the characters and by natural sounds creating belief of the surroundings for the viewer.

Text is shown through the use of cut scenes whereas the text is of small sentences capable of creating suspense for the viewer.

Edits are also used throughout this trailer such as the use of pace as to grip the audience to their seats.

Here is the  trailer i viewed for my research.

Analysis: Saw IV 2007

The running time for the trailer for ‘Saw IV’ is 0:35.

The genre for this film is Horror / Thriller.

The camera shots used were mostly headshots in this trailer creating a sense of fear by making you feel that you physically are there.

The use of edits plays a large part in this trailer, this coincides with the use of text due to the text being screened within transitions and cut scenes.

Sound is used throughout the trailer to create suspense and fear by having a low toned voice in the background bringing chills up your spine.

Mise en scene such as lighting, colour and setting are used strongly. Firstly lighting is low in this trailer and colours seem to be quite cold and clinical and setting adds to the sense of being clinical as though you are in a doctor’s surgery from hell.

Towards the end of the trailer there is a mix up of shots which draws the viewer in and wants them to see the rest of the film.

Here is the trailer i viewed for my research:
SAW IV 2007

Analysis: The Unborn 2009

The running time of the trailer for ‘The Unborn’ is 2:31.

Mise en scene such as setting, lighting, props and colour play a key role in this trailer and are being portrayed throughout. Dark colours and low lighting are being used throughout to create suspense and the setting and props used act as a method of creating drama whilst teasing the audience.

The camera shots most used were predominantly close ups and mid shots. I think this is to create a sense of reality and to help draw viewers in.

The genre of this film is Horror / Thriller.

The sounds used are very blunt and eerie, creating sharp sounds whitch catch the viewers attention.

There are a lot of edits used ranging from transitions to cut scenes, these are used well due to this only being a trailer it invokes the viewer to want to go to the cinema and watch the full film.

Text is used within the edits whereas cut scenes are used to cut from clips of the film to text of quotes said in the movie.

Here is a link to the trailer i viewed for my research:


Here are some film magazines i have found and my views of them.

1. This magazine has a nice layout and the large image in the foreground, I feel is extremely effective at grabbing the attention of a consumer.

2. The colours used and the large foreground image on this magazine make it a very eye catching and bold choice.

3. The large bold title at the top of this front cover, and the bold contrasting coloured text catch your attention an would draw you to buying this magazine.

 4. The offset picture on this cover catches your attention because it is peculiar and does not go with the typical conventions of other film magazines.


Existing Products

Here are five examples of existing products.


The areas in which i will gather research from are:

- EDITS                                 
- GENRE        

My Chosen Brief

My chosen brief is - Brief 2.
This brief entails that I will have to produce a promotional package for new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with a film magazine front cover and a poster for the film.

The genre in which I will produce my trailer, magazine cover and poster is for the horror film genre.