Thursday 22 April 2010


Here are some film magazines i have found and my views of them.

1. This magazine has a nice layout and the large image in the foreground, I feel is extremely effective at grabbing the attention of a consumer.

2. The colours used and the large foreground image on this magazine make it a very eye catching and bold choice.

3. The large bold title at the top of this front cover, and the bold contrasting coloured text catch your attention an would draw you to buying this magazine.

 4. The offset picture on this cover catches your attention because it is peculiar and does not go with the typical conventions of other film magazines.



  1. Explain how each image makes the genre of the film clear (what is it the image or the costumes etc...)

    How does each image make the film appealing to the target audience.

  2. i have wrote about all of this further into my reaserch and planning .
