Thursday 22 April 2010

Analysis: 28 Days Later 2002

The running time for the trailer for ‘28 days later’ is 1:29.

The genre for this film is Horror / Thriller.

The text used describes the film not as a story yet as the scene changes, cut scenes are involved in helping the text describe what is portrayed in each small scene by the use of a variety of short quotes.

The sounds used create a dramatic effect due to there being no sound in many parts of the trailer creating a sense of ambience within the minds of the viewer. When the text is shown cut scenes are used and in these cut scenes there are loud, sharp sounds which grip the viewers attention to the screen.

Mise en scene is used to create ambience due to the setting being somewhere known to be busy yet in the trailer it is not. The lighting seems to be quite bright due to most of the scenes being shot in daytime and also there is a variety of both dark and light colours creating mystery within the trailer.

Here is the trailer i viewed for my research.
28 DAYS LATER 2002

1 comment:

  1. Again - narrative theory?

    How does it appeal to the target audience?

    What are the horror conventions used?

    This is British film - how does this inspire you for your film?

    soundbites not quotes...

    this is a zombie movie (how do we know?)
