Thursday 22 April 2010

Analysis: The Unborn 2009

The running time of the trailer for ‘The Unborn’ is 2:31.

Mise en scene such as setting, lighting, props and colour play a key role in this trailer and are being portrayed throughout. Dark colours and low lighting are being used throughout to create suspense and the setting and props used act as a method of creating drama whilst teasing the audience.

The camera shots most used were predominantly close ups and mid shots. I think this is to create a sense of reality and to help draw viewers in.

The genre of this film is Horror / Thriller.

The sounds used are very blunt and eerie, creating sharp sounds whitch catch the viewers attention.

There are a lot of edits used ranging from transitions to cut scenes, these are used well due to this only being a trailer it invokes the viewer to want to go to the cinema and watch the full film.

Text is used within the edits whereas cut scenes are used to cut from clips of the film to text of quotes said in the movie.

Here is a link to the trailer i viewed for my research:

1 comment:

  1. Pace of the trailer? changes in pace?

    Any analysis of the application of Todorov'snarrative theory? Equilibrium? disruption? Attempt to repair the disruption?
