Monday 10 May 2010


In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I personally fel our media product does well to both develop and challenge common forms and conventions. I feel this due to the fact that in my research i was able to view some existing trailers availiable on the internet through the use of Through watching these trailers i was able to notice the similarities and diffrences between each of the trailers and also identify how our team can ad some of these conventions and similarities into our own trailer. The use of Todorov's narrative theory plays a very large part into the creation of a succesful teaser trailer and is used a way to give the audience a vague idea of what the film is about without having any major give aways. In our trailer we were also able to build a crescendo, this is a very common aspect i had noticed in real trailers from films, a crescendo is where you would use a range of slow calm shots gradually speeding up, this generaly would go along with music or some sort of up beat song. Our trailer also incorporates some very traditional conventions which are seen in typical horror trailers. These are things such as;
  • A dark and scary house used for the setting 
  • A young small venerable main character who would ultimately becomes the victim.
In the creation of our film poster we collectivly decided on using a large image of the mask used in the trailer is used. This is the main image on our poster and is situated in the centre of the poster. The image used is of a blood stained mask and is pixilated with a distorted colour. This gives the viewer the impression that the image is being displayed on some sort of screen like a television. The idea of it being percieved on a television screen ties in with our trailer and the distortion is shown in both, this method of creation is also used in films such as 'Saw' and 'The Ring' whereas an untuned tv depicts a killer or another type of scary image. We decided to use the same image we had used for our poster when creating our magazine cover. I had noticed in my research that the majority of succesful magazine covers had a main image or picture relating to the film in the centre of the page and a mag title just above this image, therefore in the creation of our magazine we incorporated this idea. By using an image in this way we have been able to develop rather than challenge the conventons seen in common mag covers. Yet we have used three bold main colours for our cover rather than just focusing on one or two, this has enabled us to create a bold and refreshing cover page yet we have also added some horror into it with the use of fonts and images. Our chosen colours in our magazine cover RED, WHITE and BLACK. Our chosen target audience would have an age range of around 16 through to around the ages of 30, this would work well i believe to help distribute our media products throughout the film industry. I have also noticed that in order for our products to sell well we must have a large age range.

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