Thursday 13 May 2010


How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Through the use of of new media technologies i was able to i feel succesfully gather research and and construction of my products. Whilst completing my research i used the site enabled me to view trailers of previous successful films of the horror genre, and be able to analyse them and gather information i needed about codes and conventions within each film. I also used Google Images in order to help me view some of the many promotional film posters availiable, it also allowed me to view images of popular film magazine covers such as 'TOTAL FILM MAG' and 'EMPIRE MAG'.
Through the use of these media technologies, i have been able to notice that theses sites also acted as a successful way of gathering high level publicity and many companies use this a method enabling people to be more aware of their products. I beleive that in order for our group to have gained more publicity and made people more aware of our media products, we should have posted our trailer onto a widely known social networking sites such as and or even we could have posted it onto youtube.

When constructing my media product i was introduced to many new computer programmes, the main reason for this was due to us using an Apple mac for the production of our trailer rather than the windows computers we used previously. The new programmes i encountered where Final Cut Pro, IMovie and IDVD.In the actuall production and editing we used Final Cut and IMovie, but due to these both being new programmes to me and my group where given a small task to help us get used to the programmes. We were ask to construct a small trailer style film using clips and scenes within the film 'The Omen' , as a group we done this by first watching the full film and then selecting and extracting the clips we felt would make for a good trailer. By completing this task we were able to grasp a feel into how the programmes worked and through this we were able to used these both in the production of our main media product.
When our main media product was complete we used a programme called IDVD which helped us produce a dvd with our film trailer on, we also added our marketing products which contained our poster, magazine cover and a commercial billing block we had created, all of these marketing products were created using the programme 'Adobe Photoshop CS3'.
When completing the evaluation of my product our team used the site to create an interactve blog, this blog contains links, images and questions i have added to help show my research, planning of making, making and evaluation. My team also added the URL's of our blogs to our DVD's inorder for people to view the methods and processes it took to create our products.

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