Monday 10 May 2010


How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

I believe that the combination of both our trailer and ancillary works incredibly, i feel this because we have worked hard to put across the fact that the ancillary text our group has produced, has been created for the sole purpose of marketing our product.
In creating our magazine and poster we came up with a theme that we felf worked well in cohesion with our main trailer. The main reason for this is to create a strong sense of brand identity in all our work such as the same logo, colour schemes and fonts. I feel something that worked well was the way in which we have included the distorted picture in the both poster and the magazine cover as it keeps our theme present within both texts.
Our audience’s feedback gives me reason to believe that we had done a good job to intergrate the theme and genre of our trailer into our promotional texts. I believe this due to the feedback of our ancillary texts being very positive, i feel we achieved this by our audience being able to instantly identify that our ancillary text represented a horror film.
When asking for feedback one of the questions asked was;

  “Will our poster and magazine attract you and make you want to watch the film?”

We aquired 100% positve answers from this question due to all of our audience stating yes our ancillary text would attract them into wanting to watch our film.
Our audience really liked the idea of having the slogan “Make Yourself At Home” this acts a sort of tongue-in-cheek method as it is adds friendly welcoming phrase but however when placed above a quite frightening image you begin to feel that something is not right adding to the horror genre of our products.

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