Sunday 9 May 2010


When making our promotional film poster we had to consider the common conventions we had come across prior to completion of the poster.
Many of these conventions have been put forward by our whole team when producing this poster. As a team we discussed what the layout, colours, fonts, slogans and images would be on our final design.
We carefully worked our way to a conclusion of using a still image we had taken from the film trailer itself. By using the computer programme Adobe Photoshop CS3 we were able to edit and filter a screenshot from our trailer into looking as though it was an image on a scrammbled television screen in order to follow the idea of distortion which is also put across in our trailer.
The next aspect of our poster which our team were pleased to come up with was the creation of the slogan " MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME " . When creating this slogan i felt a sense of irony and creating a question in the viewers mind, as though everything in the film is good and pleasent yet its the total opposite. The font that we chose to use for the "Housebound" title is a little rugged and distorted suggesting and following the idea of the fuzzy television in our trailer, this method also adds to the feeling of a haunted house or a occult possession.
Our team collectivley  made sure that all the key  of a succesful film poster are being presented on ours such as the logo, billing block, a bold, strong image and a slogan.

This is the edited screenshot taken from our teaser trailer.


Here is the final poster we created using the edited image shown above and incorporating all the common codes and conventions we had identified in other succesfull posters.

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