Wednesday 12 May 2010


What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In order for our team to obtain some valid feedback we created a questionnaire, this allowed us to gather feedback for both our ancillary texts and for our main product. In order for us to succesfully show our products to an audience and allow them to give us some feedback, we set up a preview screening. This allowed us to both gain valid feedback and gave us the experience of promoting our media product to an audience.
Our target audience for our preview screening were a group of students aged 17-19 and we also had some teachers aged 25-40. We had used the students as they where our main target audience and some teachers as we felt it would be beneficial for us to make comparisons in the views of our products for diffrent age groups.
What i have learnt mainly from our audiences feedback is that our product had room for improvement, i feel by learning this we were able to adjust our product and make any minor adjustments that our audience beleived needed to be improved.
One of the main critics we had was due to the length of our product, i also believe that our trailer is abit on the short side yet this has a few pros and cons. A good point of having a short trailer is that we can keep it short a sweet and our able to captivate the audience in such a short space of time, i feel that this would help to draw our veiwers into actually wanting to see the full movie rather than just being satisfied with a trailer.
A strong peice of positive feedback we gained was from the soundtrack we used for our trailer, mainly through the use of the music used for the house scene entrance which worked well to set the tone and the atmosphere, we was also praised on our good use of  effects such as dark contrasts bringing out murky colours.
The feedback in relation to our ancillary text was very positive and viewers felt strongly that by veiwing these they would be enticed into watching our main product.
Here are a few statements we obtained in our feedback.

"Your film poster reminded me of a Japanese Horror Film (The Ring) with the use of a face of the mask with a sinister look coming out from a television screen” - R.PAVEZ (teacher)

“The music really set the dark atmosphere in your horror trailer” - B.DAVIES (librarian)

“The choices of your music is superb, with great visual effects that helps reinforces the genre of a horror film” - STUDENT (aged 18)

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