Sunday 9 May 2010


When making our promotional film magazine front cover our team would have to consider similar codes + conventions we had come across in our research of film magazines. 
Our film magazine front cover is part of our ancillary text which markets and advertise our film product.
Our film magazine also incorporates the distorted theme of our poster, due to this we have used the same image and felt it would be the most effective way of promoting our media product.
Our promotional magazine is called Front Row, the reason for this is that the title 'Front Row' gives a sense of the audience sitting at the front row at the cinema. Also we have added a small image of a cinema seat in the middle of the title incrporating the cinema theme and giving the whole sense of being a premier mag.
The title has been created with a green and white glow on the typography which gives it a sense of a horror and fear.
We include images from the film trailer on the magazine cover, we added these in order to make our film magazine look exlucsive and set apart from other mags availiable also it creates the effect of teasing the audiece into wanting to see our media product. The text around the main image are all relvant to the film industry, and creates an understanding for the audience into what is actualy inside the magazine. This also creates a want more thought for the veiwer and will help to push them to buy our mag.

This is the first draft of our Promotional film magazine cover we produced.
As a team we felt that our mag was not as conventional and needed to be improved in order to be seen as competition to other magazines which promote the film industry, such as 'TOTAL FILM MAG' and  'EMPIRE' mag.
This is the second draft of our promotional text.
This cover is very similar to our first design yet we have edited it in a way that will stand out more in the market for film promotion.
A large bold title has been added to the bottom corner of the page and is a good promotional method to draw consumers into buying our magazine.

This is our third and final promotional magazine design and will act beside our poster we have created as the ancillary text used to promote our overall media product.There are alot of changes in this magazine compared to our other two. The use of bold red film titles above our main mag title act as a ploy to catch the eye of the consumer, the use of the colour red plays in with our main image which dipicts blood being wiped onto a plain white mask, this is also used throughout our
promotional merchandise. Dramatic and eye catching quotes such as 'WORLD EXCLUSIVE' and 'FIRST LOOK' give our magazine an edge in the fact that these words simbolise that our magazine will have imformation and images that no other mag will, this is a good way of drawing consumers into purchasing our mag rather than one of the many other titles availiable on the market. 

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